Business operating in a residential property
Business in Residential District
Residential districts do not allow any commercial use.
- Submit a complaint to 311 with the address and ‘type’ of business allegedly being operated. 311 can be reached by calling 311, 334-625-4636, or by email to
- A letter will be sent to the property owner and occupant (if not owner occupied) advising them that we’ve received a complaint and if they are operating a business to cease immediately.
- If no other complaints are registered, the case is closed.
- If another complaint is registered, another letter is sent to the property owner and occupant (if not owner occupied), and a Planning Controls staff member will go out and attempt to get pictures of the alleged business (depends on whether the business is inside or outside the residence).
- If we continue to receive complaints we will need evidence (pictures, videos, advertisement, etc.) to file a petition in municipal court.
- Sometimes we are unable to obtain pictures so we rely on the citizen registering the complaint to provide pictures.
Updated 2/28/2018 11:13 AM